DNA barcoding verified the discovery of a highly disconnected crane fly species

Northwestern Europe harbors one of the best known biotas, thanks to the long faunistic and floristic traditions practiced there. However, some animal groups are far better known than others. The diversity of true flies there is fascinating, and undescribed species of flies, midges and gnats are not uncommon. Because Northwestern Europe was almost totally glaciated as recently as 10 000 years ago, endemic animal species of that region are generally lacking, or are exceptions. Hence, most NW European insects and other species have colonized the area following the withdrawal of ice.

The new crane fly species Tipula recondita, is not an exception. It was found on both extremes of the vast Eurasian continent, in Northern Finland (Kittilä) as well as in the Russian Far East (Primorski kray). The description was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

PhD candidate Jukka Salmela, working in the Zoological Museum in Turku (Finland), thinks that the new species is most likely a very rare one, because the Finnish fauna has been intensively studied during the 2000s. The rarity of the species is perhaps caused by its association with the increasinlgy rare old-growth forests and / or calcareous herb-rich forests of the taiga. Both old-growth forests with large amounts of decaying trees and northern herb-rich forests are rare habitats in Northwestern Europe.

In addition to morphology, DNA barcoding was used to assess the status of the new species. Intraspecific genetic distance between Finnish and Russian populations was small, verifying the idea of a single but disjunct species; geographic distance of the populations is over 6500 km. Moreover, based on morphology and DNA, the new species is clearly separated from closely related species. "The sequencing result was expected, because among crane flies, there are some other wide-ranging and disjunct species, e.g. Tipula kaisilai and T. subexcisa. These disjunct populations may be relicts from climatically more favourable periods, when these species were more widespread. On the other hand, it can’t be excluded that some disjunct species are more common than we currently know; the efforts directed at collecting them may simply have been too low to reveal their true ranges. However, both DNA and morphology suggest that the Finnish and Russian populations belong to the same species", said Salmela. "The next step is to map the occurrence of the species in NW Europe and arrive at a better understanding of its ecology; a larva or two would be nice to catch", Salmela added.

Original source:
Pilipenko VE, Salmela J, Vesterinen EJ (2012) Description and DNA barcoding of Tipula (Pterelachisus) recondita sp. n. from the Palaearctic region (Diptera, Tipulidae). ZooKeys 192: 51-65. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.192.2364

The Auburn Tiger trapdoor spider — a new species discovered from a college town backyard

Researchers at Auburn University have reported the discovery a new trapdoor spider species from a well-developed housing subdivision in the heart of the city of Auburn, Alabama. Myrmekiaphila tigris, affectionately referred to as the Auburn Tiger Trapdoor spider, is named in honor of Auburn University‘s costumed Tiger mascot, Aubie.

The research team, directed by Biological Sciences professor Jason Bond, lead investigator and director of the Auburn University Museum of Natural History, and Charles Ray, a research fellow in the Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, was excited at the prospect of such a remarkable find just underfoot. Bond and Ray actually live in the neighborhood where the new species was discovered. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys and is freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Myrmekiaphila tigris belongs to a genus that contains 11 other species of trapdoor spider found throughout the eastern U.S. and includes the now-famous species Myrmekiaphila neilyoungi, from Birmingham, Alabama, named for Canadian rocker Neil Young.

Trapdoor spiders – related to tarantulas, funnel web spiders, and their kin – construct subterranean burrows that they cover with a hinged door made of a mixture of silk and soil. Female spiders spend nearly their entire lives in a single silk-lined burrow from which they forage as sit-and-wait predators. Prey are captured, usually at night, when an insect or other animal causes a vibration, provoking the spider to leap from the burrow entrance, bite and envenomate the unsuspecting victim, and then return to the bottom of the burrow to feast on its prize.

Due to superficial similarities, Myrmekiaphila tigris was previously believed to be a different species, M. foliata, according to a taxonomic study of the group that was published a few years ago. However, closer examination revealed considerable differences in appearance, particularly in their genitalia, that were supported by additional studies comparing the DNA of M. tigris with that of related species: "Despite the physical uniqueness of these specimens, the use of DNA as an alternate, less subjective line of evidence for recognizing the species was warranted, given our excitement with discovering a new species literally in our own backyards," Bond said.

Members of the species are rarely encountered individually. However, once males reach sexual maturity at around 5 or 6 years old, they emerge from their burrows to find a female with which to mate; shortly thereafter they die. Wandering males can be found in relatively large numbers on neighborhood sidewalks, in swimming pools and even in homeowners’ garages for a brief time during the months of November and December. Females, on the other hand, are much more secretive, living relatively long, 15 to 20-year lives in their below-ground burrows. They often have more intricate burrows that include side chambers with additional underground trapdoors. Burrows can be found along the banks in relatively young, secondary growth forests in neighborhood natural areas.

Bond said, "The discovery of a new species in a well-developed area like this further demonstrates the amount of biodiversity on our planet that remains unknown; we know so little about our home planet and the other organisms that inhabit it with us." According to some estimates, scientists have managed over the course of the past 250 years to describe only a few million of the 10 to 30 million of Earth’s species.

Original source:
Bond JE, Hamilton CA, Garrison NL, Ray CH (2012) Phylogenetic reconsideration of Myrmekiaphila systematics with a description of the new trapdoor spider species Myrmekiaphila tigris (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Cyrtaucheniidae, Euctenizinae) from Auburn, Alabama. ZooKeys 190: 95-109. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.190.3011

Additional information:
In: Bond JE and N.I. Platnick. 2007. Taxonomic review of the trapdoor spider genus Myrmekiaphila (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Cyrtaucheniidae). American Museum Novitates, 3596: 1-30.

Revolutionary article in PhytoKeys picked up by Scientific American

Pensoft Publishers are pleased to inform you that a PhytoKeys paper, by Natalia Filipowicz, Michael Nee and the journal’s editor, Susanne Renner, was featured in a Scientific American article: Genome Run: Andean Shrub Is First New Plant Species Described by Its DNA.

Original source:
Filipowicz N, Nee MH, Renner SS (2012) Description and molecular diagnosis of a new species of Brunfelsia (Solanaceae) from the Bolivian and Argentinean Andes. PhytoKeys 10: 83–94. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.10.2558

Related press release on EurekAlert.

Long-term preservation: Pensoft Publishers partner with the CLOCKSS Archive

The CLOCKSS Archive has partnered with Pensoft Publishers to preserve their e-journals in CLOCKSS’s geographically and geopolitically distributed network of redundant archive nodes, located at 12 major research libraries around the world. By archiving with CLOCKSS, Pensoft demonstrate their commitment to the long-term preservation of the electronic versions of their journals. This ensures that an author’s work will always be fully accessible and usable, as it provides for content to be freely available to everyone even if it ceases to be available from the publisher’s site after a "trigger event".

"The partnership with CLOCKSS represents a significant expansion of our archiving activities, with fully automated harvesting, import and preservation of the electronic content of our Open Access journals. Besides, the feature of archiving with CLOCKSS renders our publishing system even more attractive for other publishers to use", said Dr Lyubomir Penev, managing director of Pensoft.

CLOCKSS Executive Director Randy S. Kiefer adds, "The CLOCKSS Archive welcomes Pensoft Publishers’ e-journals with their coverage of biodiversity science, plant systematics, phylogeny and biogeography into the community’s archive. By archiving with CLOCKSS, Pensoft Publishers have ensured that the scholarship in their publications will remain available to a wide audience in the long term. We are grateful, as Pensoft Publishers join the CLOCKSS Archive, for their generous willingness to preserve their e-journals, and we are proud that they do so with us."

The CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) Archive is a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading scholarly publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community.

About Pensoft Publishers:
Pensoft Publishers specialize in academic and professional book and journal publishing, mostly in the field of biodiversity science and natural history. Headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, Pensoft started out in 1994 and have since become one of the leading academic publishers in biodiversity science, with more than 800 books and e-books published so far. Pensoft primarily publish in English, with a significant minority of the publications being in French, German, Russian or other languages. In 2010, Pensoft launched their own open access journal publishing platform, implementing cutting-edge technologies for semantic markup and automated dissemination of the published content. Currently, Pensoft publish 10 journals, all of which are fully open access, i.e. BOAI-compliant. The flagship journal ZooKeys is recognized as a technological leader in publishing and dissemination of biodiversity information. For the moment, CLOCKSS shall archive only e-journals from Pensoft, though the archiving of e-books may be considered in the future.


Penev L, Roberts D, Smith V, Agosti D, Erwin T (2010) Taxonomy shifts up a gear: New publishing tools to accelerate biodiversity research. ZooKeys 50: i-iv. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.50.543

Erwin T, Stoev P, Georgiev T, Penev L (2011) ZooKeys 150: Three and a half years of innovative publishing and growth. In: Smith V, Penev L (Eds) e-Infrastructures for data publishing in biodiversity science. ZooKeys 150: 5-14. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.150.2431

Stoneflies mapped across Ohio, with implications for water quality and nature conservation

Stoneflies, or Plecoptera, are insects that live in water during immature stages, but are terrestrial as adults. They are among the best bioindicators of river water quality and general landscape disturbance. Anglers often model their dry and wet flies (lures) after these insects.

Scientists at the University of Illinois and Western Kentucky University, funded by the USA National Science Foundation, have completed the first ever statewide assessment of stonefly diversity in Ohio. The study has been published in the open-access journal ZooKeys.

The team used over 30,000 insect specimens gathered from 18 regional museums (Illinois Natural History Survey, Brigham Young University, Ohio State University) and from new sampling for the analysis. They determined that at least 102, but possibly as high as 120 species occur in Ohio. The majority of species were found to have evolved to survive warm summer water temperatures and even drought, most similar to the stoneflies found in the neighboring states of Indiana and Kentucky. Analyses demonstrated that the greatest number of species lived in the eastern half of the state where forest cover is greatest.

This study provides important conservation information. The researchers found that over 17% of the species were rare, being known from only one or two locations. One of these species, the Atlantic Needlefly, Leuctra duplicata Claassen), is known only from two adjacent springbrooks in northeast Ohio. This information will help Ohio organizations to prioritize species and high quality streams for greater protection. Several other species were known from historical records, but have not been collected in the last 50-60 years. These species have long life cycles (1-2 years), a life span that increases their risk for local extinction. One example is a species that occurred in the larger rivers of Ohio, the Enigmatic Stone, Attaneuria ruralis (Hagen).

The scientists plan to use the data from Ohio and other states in the region to predict where species will be found and how climate change will affect the distribution of these environmentally sensitive insects in the future.

Original source:
DeWalt RE, Cao Y, Tweddale T, Grubbs SA, Hinz L, Pessino M, Robinson JL (2012) Ohio USA stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera): species richness estimation, distribution of functional niche traits, drainage affiliations, and relationships to other states. ZooKeys 178: 1-26. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.178.2616

ZooKeys continues to grow

Pensoft Publishers’ flagship taxonomic journal ZooKeys continues to experience growth. In the first quarter of 2012, the journal reported 130% increase of the number of published articles (125), in comparison to the same period of the previous year (54). The number of published issues has also increased, from 15 to 21 for the same timeframe, as well as the total number of pages (2,403 in 2012 and 1,991 in 2011).

Furthermore, ZooKeys continues to evolve it’s editorial workflow, constantly implementing new and improved publishing and dissemination technologies, thus always being on point for digital biodiversity science.

Scorpio rising – An elusive new scorpion species from California lives underground

Even in places as seemly well-studied as the national parks of North America, new species are still being discovered. Using ultraviolet light that cause scorpions to fluoresce a ghostly glow, researchers from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) have discovered an intriguing new scorpion in Death Valley National Park. They named the species Wernerius inyoensis, after the Inyo Mountains where it was found. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

This new species is small, only 16 mm in length. "We almost overlooked this one during the survey" said Matthew Graham, a PhD Candidate with the School of Life Sciences at UNLV. Matt discovered the scorpion along with his father who was volunteering that night. "Only a single male individual was found, but the physical uniqueness was enough to identify it as a new species", said Michael Webber, another PhD Candidate from UNLV who described the specimen. This new scorpion appears to be closely related to two other species found over 400 kilometers away at Joshua Tree National Park and along the lower Colorado River. This group of scorpions is most easily identified by the presence of a conspicuous spine at the base of the stinger, the function of which, if any, is unknown.

The previously known species are also rarely observed in the wild, and this elusive nature has led to speculation that these scorpions occur at very low densities or have only sporadic surface activity. However, the rocky terrain in which the previous species were found and the discovery of the new species at the base of a talus slope, hint at the possibility that these scorpions are subterrestrial, spending their lives deep in rock crevices or in the interstitial spaces among piles of loose rock.

Scorpions are quite common within arid regions where they can comprise a large component of biological diversity. The new species was discovered during field surveys funded by the National Park Service as part of efforts to develop better inventories for all organisms occurring within the parks.

"In North America, inventories for mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are pretty well developed, and we have a good handle on higher-order plants, but for many groups of smaller organisms taxonomic inventories will no doubt lead to numerous new discoveries" said Dr. Jef Jaeger, a Research Assistant Professor at UNLV who initiated and oversaw the scorpion surveys.

In the face of regional environmental changes brought about by human actions and the potential for larger changes that global warming may bring, many scientists and resource managers place new importance on efforts to document and catalog species diversity.

Original source:
Webber MM, Graham MR, Jaeger JR (2012) Wernerius inyoensis, an elusive new scorpion from the Inyo Mountains of California (Scorpiones, Vaejovidae). ZooKeys 177: 1-13. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.177.2562

Megalara garuda: the King of Wasps – A new, giant wasp comes from Indonesia

A new and unusual wasp species has been discovered during an expedition to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

It was independently also found in the insect collections of the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, where it was awaiting discovery since the 1930s, when it had been collected on Sulawesi. The new species is pitch-black, has an enormous body size, and its males have long, sickle-shaped jaws. The findings have now been described in the open access journal ZooKeys.

The species belongs into the digger wasp family, which is a diverse group of wasps with several thousands of species known from all over the world. Female digger wasps search for other insects as prey for their young and paralyze the prey by stinging it. Prey selection is often species specific, but the prey of the new species is unknown. With its unusual body size and the male’s jaws, the new species differs from all known related digger wasps, so much so that it was placed in a new genus of its own, Megalara.

The new genus name is a combination of the Greek Mega, meaning large, and the ending of Dalara, a related wasp genus.

Lynn Kimsey (UC Davis) and Michael Ohl (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin), who discovered the giant wasp simultaneously and have worked on it in collaboration, named the species after Garuda, the national symbol of Indonesia, a part-human, part-eagle mythical creature known as the King of Birds in Hindu mythology.

Since this species has never been observed alive, nothing is known about its biology or behavior. The males of Megalara garuda are distinctly larger than the females, and bear very long jaws. As can be deduced from other insects with large jaws, it is likely that the males hold the females with it during copulation. It is also possible that they use the jaws for defense.

Original source:
Kimsey LS, Ohl M (2012) Megalara garuda, a new genus and species of larrine wasps from Indonesia (Larrinae, Crabronidae, Hymenoptera). ZooKeys 177: 49-57. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.177.2475

Dr. Lynn Kimsey, lskimsey@ucdavis.edu;
Dr. Michael Ohl, michael.ohl@mfn-berlin.de

Plant DNA speaks English, identifies new species

The important changes to the way scientists name new plants that took effect on 1 January 2012 included the fall of the so-called Latin requirement – a stipulation that descriptions or diagnoses of new species had to be in Latin.

The new rules make it possible to take full advantage of an ongoing revolution in how botanists and mycologists verify that a particular species is indeed new to science: Many studies now routinely include the sequencing of short DNA regions that will amplify easily, even when the DNA comes from old specimens.

Such "barcoding" sequences can be used to confirm a suspected new species as long as related species that already have a scientific name are also being sequenced for the same DNA stretch.

There is no standard Latin vocabulary for describing DNA barcoding, yet in English, there is.

In an article in the open access journal PhytoKeys, botanists Natalia Filipowicz (Medical University of Gdańsk), Michael Nee (New York Botanical Garden), and Susanne Renner (University of Munich), now provide the first English-language diagnosis of a new species that relies exclusively on DNA data.

Their publication of a new species in the Solanaceae genus Brunfelsia also includes a traditional morphology-based description and pictures of the plant, but the researchers trust that "molecular diagnoses" will become a standard feature in future taxon descriptions.

The DNA sequences generated for the study have all been deposited in the public database GenBank, enabling other researchers to make use of them.

Original source:
Filipowicz N, Nee MH, Renner SS (2012) Description and molecular diagnosis of a new species of Brunfelsia (Solanaceae) from the Bolivian and Argentinean Andes. PhytoKeys 10: 25-36. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.10.2558

A new pipewort species from a unique, but fragile habitat in India

The foot hills of the Western Ghats are a remarkable habitat. Formed of Laterite (a hard rock) outcrops, they are a barren land during summer. Yet, as soon as the monsoon rains start, they sprout vibrant plant carpets in blue, pink and white. This seasonal vegetation is formed mainly by pipeworts and insectivorous plants, such as bladderworts or sundews. The species combinations differ greatly along the Western Ghats and the rich plant growth attracts many birds, butterflies and other insects.

A team of botanists discovered another new species of pipewort from this unique but highly threatened habitat, indicating the importance of such areas. "It is a treasure trove of unique plants to the botanists, but considered just a wasteland, or a dump by the authorities." said Dr K.P. Rajesh of the Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College (ZGC). "Many more unique and unknown plants still await discovery in such areas. " Added Dr Rajesh. The study was published in the open access journal PhytoKeys.

The shallow wet areas formed in the rocks, for a short period from June to November, are the home of some of the rarest plants on the planet. These aquatic or semi-aquatic plants soon set seeds, and dry up before the summer season. The seeds remain in the soil, waiting for the next rains to wake them up. The flat-topped hills are one of the most threatened habitats on Earth, under severe pressure from population growth. The Laterite areas are being destroyed or converted into infrastructure – sites for mining, waste dumping and similar. Uncontrolled tourism is also causing heavy damage – beyond repair – to this fragile system.

The new discovery increases the conservation potential of the area. "It is high time to take urgent steps to conserve this fragile habitat." said Dr. C.N. Manju. Efforts to conserve the unique plants from Western Ghats in experimental gardens are ongoing in the Malabar Botanical Garden (MBG), an organisation specialised in the study and conservation of aquatic plants. It proved very difficult to replicate the exact conditions of the Laterite pools in the gardens. ‘Conserving the natural habitat is the best solution. If proper measures are not being taken, this unique habitat may degrade beyond repair’ adds Dr. Prakshkumar. The study, conducted in collaboration with the (MBG), was supported by the Kerala State Council for Science Technology & Environment (KSCSTE), of the Government of Kerala.

Original source:
Swapna MM, Rajesh KP, Manju CN, Prakashkumar R (2012) Eriocaulon madayiparense (Eriocaulaceae) – A new species from the foot hills of the Western Ghats of India. PhytoKeys 10: 19-23. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.10.2297

Additional information:
Balakrishnan VC, Palot MJ, Rajesh KP (2010) Observations on the flora of Madayipara a midland laterite hill in Kannur district, Kerala. Malabar Trogon 8 (2&3): 14-29.
Kumar RB, Anitha K, Watve A, Mani S, Rehel S, Aridason W (2011) Chapter 6. The status and distribution of aquatic plants of the Western Ghats. Pp. 73-85. In: MolurS, Smith KG, Daniel BA, Darwall WRT (Compilers). The Status and Distribution of Freshwater biodiversity in the Western Ghats, India. IUCN Cambridge, UK and Gland, Switzerland, IUCN.