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A special issue titled “Connecting people, connecting landscapes“ has just been published in the open-access journal Nature Conservation.

Edited by Cristian-Remus Papp, Andreas Seiler, Manisha Bhardwaj, Denis François, and Ivo Dostál, the article collection highlights the outcomes of the 2022 International Conference of the Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe (IENE), held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
While the transport sector is vital for societal development, it also poses significant challenges to biodiversity, often fragmenting landscapes and disrupting wildlife movement. The IENE 2022 conference explored solutions to harmonise transport infrastructure with ecological connectivity. More than 190 presentations and workshops at the event advocated for multi-sectoral cooperation and evidence-based solutions.
The special issue comprises research on topics such as:
- Wildlife crossings and ecological connectivity
- Mitigation strategies for animal-vehicle collisions
- Strategic approaches to sustainable infrastructure development
- Emerging technologies like AI for biodiversity monitoring

A global perspective is considered, with case studies from Europe, North America, and Asia. This special issue is a call to action for policymakers, planners, and conservationists worldwide.
See a full list of the special issue’s articles here:
- Mainstreaming biodiversity into transport networks by connecting stakeholders across sectors
- Connecting people to connect landscapes
- Use of linear transportation infrastructure rights-of-way as an ecological shelter: national asset estimate and stakeholder involvement
- Brown bear occurrence along a proposed highway route in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains
- A methodological framework for addressing environmental problems on aged transport infrastructure
- Traffic mortality of wild forest reindeer Rangifer tarandus fennicus in Finland
- Biodiversity monitoring with intelligent sensors: An integrated pipeline for mitigating animal-vehicle collisions
- The potential of electrifies barriers to keep black bears out of fenced road corridors at low volume access roads
- Influence of land use intensity on ecological corridors and wildlife crossings’ effectiveness: comparison of 2 pilot areas in Austria
- Experimental study on improving the utilization rate of underpasses of bundled linear infrastructure on Tibetan Plateau