Fossil Record celebrates its Open Access anniversary with Pensoft

Despite being more than 100 years younger than its fellow Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) journals Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift and Zoosystematics and Evolution, the palaeontological journal Fossil Record has its own proud history of important research.

Established as Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe in 1998, the journal welcomed its 25th birthday last year, and today celebrates ten years of Open Access (OA) publishing. Unlike its sister journals, Fossil Record did not immediately partner with Pensoft upon its transition to OA. However, in 2022, following eight years of successful collaboration, Pensoft began publishing the journal on behalf of MfN.

In this blog post, we take a look back at some of the research that has defined Fossil Record’s Open Access era.

Read our blog post celebrating 10 years of Open Access for all of Museum für Naturkunde Berlin’s journals here.

The geologically oldest specimen of Pterodactylus

Pterodactylus antiquus from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Torleite Formation of Painten. Credit: Augustin et al.

One of Fossil Record’s most popular recent articles is “The geologically oldest specimen of Pterodactylus: a new exquisitely preserved skeleton from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk deposits of Painten (Bavaria, Germany).”

Published in November 2022, the paper has garnered more than 6,500 views, attracting significant news and social media attention. The exceptional imagery in the article emphasises Fossil Record’s commitment to optimal research presentation.

Research paper: Augustin FJ, Kampouridis P, Hartung J, Albersdörfer R, Matzke AT (2022) The geologically oldest specimen of Pterodactylus: a new exquisitely preserved skeleton from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Plattenkalk deposits of Painten (Bavaria, Germany). Fossil Record 25(2): 331-343. 

Ornithischian dinosaurs in Southeast Asia

The 2023 paper “Ornithischian dinosaurs in Southeast Asia: a review with palaeobiogeographic implications” provides an example of major interest within the scientific community. 

With thousands of views and multiple citations, the study illustrates the diversity of ornithischian assemblages in Southeast Asia, providing an updated review and a discussion about their palaeobiogeographic implications.

Research paper: Manitkoon S, Deesri U, Warapeang P, Nonsrirach T, Chanthasit P (2023) Ornithischian dinosaurs in Southeast Asia: a review with palaeobiogeographic implications. Fossil Record 26(1): 1-25.  

The fossil history of pseudoscorpions

Progonatemnus succineus preserved in amber. Credit: Yamamoto et al.

The most cited paper published in Fossil Record’s Open Access era is “The fossil history of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones)” from 2017.

The paper reviews the sparse fossil record of pseudoscorpions, tiny arachnids first documented 390 million years ago. Most fossils are suspended in amber, preserving the specimens remarkably well. 

Research paper: Harms D, Dunlop JA (2017) The fossil history of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones). Fossil Record 20(2): 215-238. 

First ship-timber beetle fossils from Eocene Rovno amber

With 21 citations, the 2022 paper “First fossil species of ship-timber beetles (Coleoptera, Lymexylidae) from Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine)” is a great example of a highly cited recent paper.

Asked about the success of his team’s research, corresponding author of the paper Evgeny Perkovsky said: “finding this beetle in the Eocene of Ukraine indicates a very specific fossil climate, which explains a high visibility of the paper.”

Research paper: Yamamoto S, Nazarenko VYu, Vasilenko DV, Perkovsky EE (2022) First fossil species of ship-timber beetles (Coleoptera, Lymexylidae) from Eocene Rovno amber (Ukraine). Fossil Record 25(1): 65-74. 

The “accidentally discovered” ancient shark

Perhaps the most sensational publication in Fossil Record came when palaeontologist Jun Ebersole stumbled upon a 100-year-old box of teeth at the Geological Survey in Alabama, USA, which led to the discovery of a ‘new’ ancient shark species.

“A new species of Palaeohypotodus Glückman, 1964 (Chondrichthyes, Lamniformes) from the lower Paleocene (Danian) Porters Creek Formation, Wilcox County, Alabama, USA” was published in 2024 and attracted significant public and scientific attention.

Describing the study, T. Lynn Harrell Jr., one of the authors said: “this time period is understudied, which makes the discovery of this new shark species that much more significant.

“Shark discoveries like this one give us tremendous insights into how ocean life recovers after major extinction events and also allows us to potentially forecast how global events, like climate change, affect marine life today.”

Research paper: Ebersole JA, Cicimurri DJ, Harrell Jr. TL (2024) A new species of Palaeohypotodus Glickman, 1964 (Chondrichthyes, Lamniformes) from the lower Paleocene (Danian) Porters Creek Formation, Wilcox County, Alabama, USA. Fossil Record 27(1): 111-134.  

As Fossil Record celebrates ten years of Open Access publishing, the future looks bright. Going forward, the journal hopes to expand the reach and impact of open-access palaeontology, connecting with both the scientific community and layman enthusiasts, and bringing exciting discoveries to all.

Don’t forget to follow Fossil Record on X and Facebook, and subscribe for its newsletter from the journal’s website!

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Why two prehistoric sharks found in Ohio got new names

Research leads to rediscovery of forgotten fossils.

Until recently, Orthacanthus gracilis could have been considered the “John Smith” of prehistoric shark names, given how common it was.

Three different species of sharks from the late Paleozoic Era – about 310 million years ago – were mistakenly given that same name, causing lots of grief to paleontologists who studied and wrote about the sharks through the years and had trouble keeping them apart.

But now Loren Babcock, a professor of earth sciences at The Ohio State University, has finished the arduous task of renaming two of the three sharks – and in the process rediscovered a wealth of fossil fishes that had been stored at an Ohio State museum for years but had been largely forgotten.

Loren Babcock with a collection of Orton Museum’s fossil fishes, including several from John Newberry. Photo by The Ohio State University

In order to change the names, Babcock had to go through a process governed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). He had to document the need to change the names, propose new names and submit them to an ICZN-recognized journal for peer review and then have the ICZN officially accept the names.

Tooth of the shark Orthacanthus lintonensis. The tooth is about 13 mm long.

“It was one of the most complex naming problems we have had in paleontology, which is probably one reason no one attempted to fix it until now,” Babcock said.

“A lot of scientists in the field have written, thanking me for doing this. We are all happy it is finally done,” he said.

One measure of the impact the renaming has had on the field: Babcock’s paper announcing the new names was just published in the journal ZooKeys on Jan. 8, but it has already been referenced on seven different Wikipedia pages.

The original Orthacanthus gracilis fossil was found in Germany and named in 1848. That species gets to keep the name.

The remaining two fossils were found in Ohio and named by the famous American paleontologist John Strong Newberry in 1857 and 1875.

Portrait of John Strong Newberry

Babcock renamed the Ohio sharks Orthacanthus lintonensis and Orthacanthus adamas, both based on the name of the place where they were originally found.

Why did Newberry give the two Ohio sharks the same name?

“He probably just forgot. It was nearly 20 years between the time the two species were named,” Babcock said.

And as far as giving it the same name as a German species: “In those days, it was really difficult to search for names that were already in existence – they did not have the internet.”

The sharks themselves were fascinating creatures, Babcock said.  They were large and creepy, nearly 10 feet long, and looked more like eels than present-day sharks, with long dorsal fins extending the length of their backs and a peculiar spine extending backward from their heads.

They lived in the fresh or brackish water of what are known as “coal swamps” of the late Carboniferous Period (323-299 million years ago) during the late Paleozoic Era. They belong to an extinct group of chondrichthyans (which includes sharks, skates and rays) called the xenacanthiforms.

Dorsal spine of Orthacanthus adamas. The spine is about 71 mm long.

Newberry was for a time the chief geologist at the Geological Survey of Ohio. He played an important role in the early growth of what is now the Orton Geological Museum at Ohio State.

Babcock, who is the current director of the Orton Museum, decided to begin the renaming process after reviewing the museum’s collection. He was surprised to see how many fossils the museum had that had been collected by Newberry, including the two prehistoric sharks.

Babcock wrote about Orton’s Newberry collection in a new article published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Through the years, scientists have written about how various Newberry specimens had been lost. It turns out many had been at the Orton Museum.

“No museum has a larger collection of Newberry’s fossils except for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City,” Babcock said.

“Not a lot of people are aware of that – I did not even know the extent of our collection. If you’re looking for part of the Newberry collection and can’t find it in the American Museum of Natural History, it is probably going to be here.”

Research article:

Babcock LE (2024) Replacement names for two species of Orthacanthus Agassiz, 1843 (Chondrichthyes, Xenacanthiformes), and discussion of Giebelodus Whitley, 1940, replacement name for Chilodus Giebel, 1848 (Chondrichthyes, Xenacanthiformes), preoccupied by Chilodus Müller & Troschel, 1844 (Actinopterygii, Characiformes). ZooKeys 1188: 219-226.

News piece originally published by the Ohio State University. Republished with permission.

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Miniature Snail in a Rock Sandwich

First fossil record of thorn snails in the southern United States

Researchers from the USA and Switzerland, including Senckenberg scientist and first author Dr. Adrienne Jochum, have described the first fossil Carychium land snails from Florida. The rock layer containing the snail fossils, which are only a few millimeters in size, was accidentally uncovered during construction work and dates from the Pleistocene period between 2.58 million and 11,700 years ago. In their study, published in the open-access journal ZooKeys, the scientists also describe a previously unknown carychiid fossil species.
Light microscopic images of Carychium nashuaense.

The tiny snails of the genus Carychium with a maximum height of 2.5 millimeters and a width of 1.5 millimeters are known mostly east of the Mississippi River in the USA and from eastern Canada, Mexico and Jamaica as well as in sheltered humid habitats in Central America to Panama. “However, unlike the extant species, fossilized thorn snails are rarely found east of the Mississippi River. In our recent field work we have now provided the first fossil record of the genus in the southeastern United States, as well as the first fossil record ever for the species Carychium floridanum,” explains Dr. Adrienne Jochum of the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum in Frankfurt and the Natural History Museum in Bern.

Fossil Carychium floridanum.

During the construction of a track bed for the Brightline railroad, which will connect Port Canaveral with Orlando International Airport, civil engineers accidentally came across a one-meter-thick layer of fossilized non-marine gastropods between two marine shell beds. “This ‘rock sandwich’ was formed during the Pleistocene, a geologic era characterized by repeated glaciations, climate changes, and fluctuations in water level that greatly influenced and shaped the region around present-day Florida. The shell layer is sandwiched between rock layers from the Lower Pleistocene, 2.58 to 0.77 million years ago, and the Upper Pleistocene, 140,000 to 120,000 years ago, and contains 14 freshwater and 28 terrestrial snail species.”

Later stage of excavation showing middle stratum of freshwater marl (c. 1 m thick) wedged between two layers of marine shell layers (each c. 3 m thick).

Among them is the snail Carychium floridanum, whose current representatives still live in humid, forested, and undisturbed habitats in central and northern Florida. The researchers also described a new species, Carychium nashuaense, which is less than 1.6 millimeters long and was previously unknown to science.

“To dislodge the fossil miniature snails from the rock layers, we first washed them through a graduated series of sieves. Next, 32 Carychium shells were culled under a microscope from a mixture of other mollusks and rock debris. A high-resolution X-ray tomograph helped us examine the spindle structure inside the fragile fossil shells and compare them with 3D reconstructions of the inner shell of still-living thorn snail species from the southeastern U.S., Mexico, Central America, and Jamaica,” explains Jochum.

While the design of the inner shell structure of Carychium floridanum has changed little from the Pleistocene to the present, the shell structure of Carychium nashuaense suggests a relationship with Central American Carychium relatives. “We suspect that the spread of the snails occurred via birds, mammals, and reptiles, who transported the small snails in their guts, fur, or feathers to the wetlands from which the alluvial sediments in the rock layer we studied originated. The subsequent mixing with other members of the genus led to the emergence of new species,” adds Jochum in conclusion.



Jochum A, Bochud E, Haberthür D, Lee HG, Hlushchuk R, Portell RW (2023) Fossil Carychiidae (Eupulmonata, Ellobioidea) from the Lower Pleistocene Nashua Formation of Florida, with the description of a new species. ZooKeys 1167: 89-107.

Press release originally published by Senckenberg. Republished with permission.

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Fossil Record, a Natural History Museum of Berlin journal moves to ARPHA

Having been publishing its historically renowned Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift and Zoosystematics and Evolution in partnership with Pensoft since 2014, the Museum extends the collaboration by moving a third signature journal

Having been publishing its historically renowned scientific journals Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift (DEZ) and Zoosystematics and Evolution (ZSE) in partnership with the scholarly publisher Pensoft and its ARPHA Platform since 2014, the Natural History Museum of Berlin (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin) now extends the collaboration by moving a third signature journal: Fossil Record

Launched in 1998 under the name Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, Fossil Record is the Natural History Museum of Berlin’s palaeontological journal. Published in two issues a year, the open-access scientific outlet covers research from all areas of palaeontology, including the taxonomy and systematics of fossil organisms, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, and evolution. It deals with all taxonomic groups, including invertebrates, microfossils, plants, and vertebrates.

Following its move to ARPHA, Fossil Record is to utilise the whole package of ARPHA Platform’s services, including its fast-track, end-to-end publishing module, designed to appeal to readers, authors, reviewers and editors alike. 

With ARPHA, each submitted manuscript is carried through the review, editing, publication, dissemination and archiving stages without leaving the platform’s collaboration-centred online environment. The articles are made available in PDF and machine-readable JATS XML formats, as well as semantically enriched HTML for better and mobile-friendly reader experience. 

As a result, the journal’s articles are as easy to discover, access, reuse and cite as possible. Once published, the content is indexed and archived instantaneously and its underlying data exported to relevant specialised databases. Simultaneously, a suite of various metrics is enabled to facilitate tracking the usage of articles and sub-article elements, such as figures and tables.

“We have deeply enjoyed our collaboration with the Natural History Museum of Berlin for the past seven years that started with two great journals moving to our scholarly portfolio and advanced open access. Now, I am delighted to strengthen this wonderful partnership by welcoming Fossil Record and its fantastic editorial team to the families of ARPHA and Pensoft. I am certain that together we will not only repeat the success we had with DEZ and ZSE, but will actually build on it,”

says Prof. Dr Lyubomir Penev, founder and CEO at ARPHA and Pensoft.

About the Natural History Museum of Berlin:

The “Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science” is an integrated research museum within the Leibniz Association. It is one of the most important research institutions worldwide in the areas of biological and geological evolution and biodiversity.

The Museum’s mission is to discover and describe life and earth – with people, through dialogue. As an excellent research museum and innovative communication platform, it wants to engage with and influence the scientific and societal discourse about the future of our planet, worldwide. Its vision, strategy and structure make the museum an excellent research museum. The Natural History Museum of Berlin has research partners in Berlin, Germany and approximately 60 other countries. Over 700,000 visitors per year as well as steadily increasing participation in educational and other events show that the Museum has become an innovative communication centre that helps shape the scientific and social dialogue about the future of our earth.

Pensoft welcomes SNSB’s paleontology and geobiology journal Zitteliana to its portfolio

The first papers of the journal of the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology and Geology in Munich since the move to Pensoft’s publishing platform are now online

The scholarly publisher and technology provider Pensoft welcomes the latest addition to its diverse portfolio of scientific outlets – the open-access, peer-reviewed journal Zitteliana, which publishes research in the fields of paleontology and geobiology.

Zitteliana is a journal of the Bavarian State Collection of Palaeontology and Geology Munich, which is part of the State Natural History Collection of Bavaria (SNSB), a research institution for natural history comprising five state collections.

Published both online and in print, the journal contains original articles, short contributions and reviews on all aspects of palaeontology and geobiology, welcoming research on all regions of the Earth and all periods of geologic time. The journal invites both modern and traditional research outputs, including palaeobiology, geobiology, palaeogenomics, biodiversity, stratigraphy, sedimentology, regional geology, systematics, phylogeny, and cross-disciplinary studies of these areas.

Since its launch in 1961, the journal has changed its name several times (i.e. Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, Zitteliana A (Abhandlungen) and Zitteliana B (Mitteilungen)), and has extended both scope and thematic range to  cover global research from all areas of palaeontology and geobiology.

“This year, Zittelliana is celebrating its 60th anniversary in brand new gear. The move to the innovative scholarly publisher Pensoft shows how tradition can work hand in hand with innovation and modernity. We are very excited about this relaunch and very much look forward to transforming  Zitteliana into an internationally leading journal in Paleontology and Geobiology together with Pensoft,” the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Professor Gert Wörheide adds.

After moving to Pensoft’s scholarly publishing platform ARPHA, and with a brand-new, user-friendly website, Zitteliana now takes full advantage of ARPHA’s signature fast-track, end-to-end publishing system, which significantly improves user experience for authors, reviewers and editors alike. The collaboration-focused platform supports manuscripts in all steps of the publishing process – submission, peer review, editing, publication, dissemination and archiving, all within its online environment. To the benefit of readers, published articles are then made available in PDF, machine-readable JATS XML formats, and semantically enriched HTML, which makes them much easier to discover, access, cite and reuse.

In addition, ARPHA Platform offers a long list of high-tech features and human-provided services such as advanced data publishing, linked data tables, semantic markup and enhancements, automated export of sub-article elements and data to aggregators, sub-article-level usage metrics, and web-service integrations with more than 40 world-class indexing and archiving databases.

The journal’s first papers published with Pensoft are already publicly available. One of the studies, authored by Norbert Wannenmacher, Volker Dietze, Matthias Franz of the state office for geology, resources and mining at Freiburg’s regional council, and Günter Schweigert of the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History, describes three new fossil species from south-western Germany.

Zitteliana is the latest in a series of biodiversity-themed journals to join the Pensoft family – earlier this year the ichthyology journal Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria signed with the scholarly publisher and moved on to ARPHA Platform.

Follow Zitteliana on Facebook and Twitter.

Additional information:

About Pensoft:

Pensoft is an independent academic publishing company, well-known worldwide for its innovations in the field of semantic publishing, as well as for its cutting-edge publishing tools and workflows. In 2013, Pensoft launched the first ever end to end XML-based authoring, reviewing and publishing workflow, as demonstrated by the Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT) and the Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ), now upgraded to the ARPHA Publishing Platform. Flagship titles include: Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO), One Ecosystem, ZooKeys, Biodiversity Data Journal, PhytoKeys, MycoKeys and many more.

About ARPHA:

ARPHA is the first end-to-end, narrative- and data-integrated publishing solution that supports the full life cycle of a manuscript, from authoring to reviewing, publishing and dissemination. ARPHA provides accomplished and streamlined production workflows that can be customized according to the journal’s needs. The platform enables a variety of publishing models through a number of options for branding, production and revenue models to choose from.


Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide, Editor-in-Chief of Zitteliana

Lyubomir Penev, founder and CEO at Pensoft and ARPHA