Classical monographs re-published in advanced open access

The new Advanced Books platform of Pensoft opens new horizons for semantic book publishing

Easy access to legacy data collected over hundreds-of-years of exploration of nature from the convenience of people’s own computers for anyone all over the world? It may sound futuristic but a brand new pilot showcases how this is possible here and now.

The new workflow demonstrates a re-publication of a volume of Flora Malesiana in a semantically enriched HTML edition available on the newly launched, Advanced Books publishing platform. The platform was demonstrated today at the EU funded pro-iBiosphere project which supported, in part, the re-publication of Flora Malesiana.

When Linnaeus was laying the foundations of taxonomy as a science in his Species Plantarum and Systema Naturae books he probably did not imagine that his methods of publication of natural history data would remain almost unchanged for more than 270 years! The bulk of the information on the living World is still closed in paper-based legacy literature, especially in fundamental regional treatises such as Flora, Fauna and Mycota series, hardly accessible for readers, despite the dramatic changes in the publishing technologies that have taken place over the last decade.

The new pilot, developed by Pensoft Publishers in a cooperation with the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Plazi, and Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM), demonstrates how a fundamental book in natural history can start a new life with Advanced Books. Re-publication of the Flora of Northumberland & Durham, published in 1838, will be the next to appear as a result of a collaboration between the Botanical Garden Meise National Botanic Garden of Belgium and Pensoft.

Flora Malesiana is a systematic account of the flora of Malesia, the plant-geographical unit spanning six countries in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea. The plant treatments are not published in a systematic order but as they come about by the scientific efforts of some 100 collaborators all over the world.

With the new platform, such scientifically important historical monographs, enriched with additional information from up-to-date external sources related to organisms’ names, species treatments, information on their ecology, distribution and conservation value, morphological characters, etc., become freely usable for anyone at any place in the world.

The re-publication in advanced open access comes with the many other benefits of the digitization and markup efforts such as data extraction and collation, distribution and re-use of content, archiving of different data elements in relevant repositories and so on.

“Advanced Books will bring many outstanding scientific monographs to a new life, however the platform is not only restricted to e-publish our legacy literature.” commented Prof. Lyubomir Penev, Managing Director of Pensoft. “New books are mostly welcome on the platform, joining their historical predecessors in an open, common, human- and machine-readable, data space for the benefit of future researchers and the society in general.” concluded Prof. Penev.


Original Source:

de Wilde W (2014) Flora Malesiana. Series I – Seed Plants, Volume 14. Myristicaceae. Advanced Books: e1141. doi: 10.3897/ab.e1141

China today: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation?

China, from 2015 the world’s biggest economy, is its worst polluter already now. It has not yet, but will be most probably climbing the top position also with regards the aggregate contribution to climate change (historical emission residues included), called the climate debt. At the same time, it is the largest victim of environmental change, and the leading country in cleaning-up the environmental mess – the government has taken bold steps towards improvement. Could the largest polluter become the world’s last best hope for establishing a global ecological civilisation?

Dr. Joachim H. Spangenberg from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) seeks the answer to this question, analysing the ranking of China and other main agents regarding fossil fuel production, trade and consumption, climate and environmental policies, and the resulting climate debt of countries. In a recent paper published in the open access journal BioRisk he finally suggests 3 fields for action which would permit China to start reducing not only its climate footprint bit even the accumulated climate debt within the next decade.

The anthropocene is the age where human influences are determining the development of the planet’s ecosystems and thus the bio-physical basis of future human civilisations. As the world’s largest economy China is the world’s largest consumer of all kinds of resources and is also the worst polluter, with per capita greenhouse gas emissions surpassing those of EU citizens.

However, the country is not only a culprit in this bleak situation. China is also the world’s largest victim of environmental change, including air and soil pollution, water and land scarcity, biodiversity loss and climate change.

“Not only slowing down the increase but reducing emissions should be a top priority for China, and it is: the government has taken some bold steps.” comments Dr. Spangenberg.

China is currently the world’s largest investor in renewable energies, has the largest afforestation program, and leads the world in energy efficiency improvements. As the largest polluter it has extraordinary opportunities to improve the global state of the environment and is perhaps the world’s best hope for establishing a global ecological civilisation.

However, despite the magnitude of efforts they are not yet sufficient. “We suggest three additional steps which could help China to begin reducing its climate debt within a couple of decades, define a long term perspective for policy planning and adjust its growth model to the challenges of the anthropocene.” explains Dr. Spangenberg.

The author suggests a revised Methane strategy as a short term measure towards reducing China’s climate debt. Another measure outlined is capping the consumption of fossil fuels to limit greenhouse gas emission. And last but not the least the study suggests a new growth model for the Chinese economy where de-growth will happen by design in a socially and environmentally benign way, rather than by environmentally triggered disaster.

“Any country aspiring a leadership role in 21st century should be aware that the majority of humankind will be negatively affected by climate change. A country that is causing havoc on their lands and people will lose the legitimacy of any claim for leadership, regardless of its economic or military strength. Thus for social, economic, environmental and geopolitical reasons, a rapid transition towards a sustainable economy, making use of all available means, is an urgent necessity, for Europe, the USA and not least for China.” summarizes Dr. Spangenberg about the urgency of effective measures.


Original Source:

Spangenberg JH (2014) China in the anthropocene: Culprit, victim or last best hope for a global ecological civilisation? BioRisk 9: 10.3897/biorisk.9.6105

New species of ancient chirping giant pill-millipedes from Madagascar already threatened

An international team of researchers comprised of Thomas Wesener, Museum Koenig, Bonn, Daniel Le, Field Museum, Chicago and Stephanie Loria, American Museum of Natural History, New York, discovered seven new species of chirping giant pill-millipedes on Madagascar. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

The species discovered all belong to the genus Sphaeromimus, which is Latin for ‘small ball animal’. However, the designation ‘small’ is not always true for the members of the genus as one of the newly discovered species surprises with a size larger than a ping-pong ball. Another special characteristic of the genus is that its species have the largest chirping organs of any millipede, which are most probably used during mating.

Despite sometimes sharing a habitat with Madagascar’s ‘large’ pill-millipedes, which can reach the size of a baseball, the new species are more closely related to millipedes found in India than their Malagasy neighbours. This relationship dates back more than 80 million years to at least as early as the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs walked the Earth and India and Madagascar were connected.

One of the new species Sphaeromimus andrahomana offers clues to Madagascar’s ecosystems thousands of years ago. Although the species was found in a cave in Madagascar’s southern dry spiny forest region, genetically, it is a rainforest taxon. The lemur skeletons found inside the same cave are also evidence that a rainforest existed in the now desert-like area until 3000-5000 years ago. The species, sheltered by the humid cave, is probably a living witness to this ancient rainforest.

The discovery is particularly exciting as some of species are microendemics, meaning they are only found in one tiny forest fragment, a few hundred meters long and wide.

S. lavasoa, for example, is restricted to the Lavasoa Mountain, which is covered by an isolated, slightly larger than 100 hectare, rainforest remnant, which is famous for the recent discovery of a large scorpion as well as a dwarf lemur species. This discovery further highlights the importance of the area as a Center of Endemism.

Another new species (S. saintelucei) is probably the most endangered millipede on Madagascar. It was found in a fragment of the Sainte Luce littoral rainforest characterized by its laterite soil that is now so small that no lemur or other large vertebrate species can survive in it.

The nearby Sainte Luce forest fragment with sandy ground harbours a different species (S. splendidus) also believed to be a microendemic. “Despite their close proximity, both species are not even closely related. Both the fragments where they were found are currently threatened by a huge, billion-dollar titanium ore strip mining project. Although there are intentions to designate and manage conservation zones, the plan is to protect only one large fragment may result in the extinction of some of the species if additional conservation measures aren’t undertaken.” explains the lead author Dr. Thomas Wesener from the Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn, Germany.


Original source:

Wesener T, Le DM-T, Loria SF (2014) Integrative revision of the giant pill-millipede genus Sphaeromimus from Madagascar, with the description of seven new species (Diplopoda, Sphaerotheriida, Arthrosphaeridae). ZooKeys 414: 67. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.414.7730



Dr. Thomas Wesener, Research Museum A. Koenig, Bonn, Germany,, 0049 (0)228 9122 425

Stephanie Loria, American Museum of Natural History, New York,

Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago,

A sand-dwelling new species of the moonseed plant genus Cissampelos from the Americas

Researchers from the Missouri Botanical Garden have discovered in dry forests and transient sand dunes in Bolivia and Paraguay, a new plant species in the moonseed family Menispermaceae. The discovery was reported in the open access journal PhytoKeys.

The new species was described in the genus Cissampelos, which includes vining species that for the most part are found in disturbed habitats of the tropical and subtropical regions of the World.

This new Cissampelos is morphologically unique by its small leaves, its 8 anther-cells in the male flowers, and a large endocarp–a bony tissue surrounding the curved seed–obscurely ornamented.

The new species bears the name arenicola alluding to its preference for sand dune and dry forest habitats. Interestingly, the new species is superficially similar in habit to C. capensis a southern African taxon that also found in dry habitats.

As typical of most members of the Menispermaceae family, plants in the genus Cissampelos are also dioecious, with their male and female, mostly inconspicuous flowers found in different individuals.

The study by Dr. Rosa Ortiz and Dr. Michael Nee notes that the dioecious condition and increasing land transformation of its transient habitat may make this newly described species potentially vulnerable to extinction.


Original source:

Ortiz RdC, MH Nee (2014) A new species of Cissampelos (Menispermaceae) from Bolivia and Paraguay. PhytoKeys 38: 8. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.38.6504

A master of disguise: A new stick insect species from China

Many representatives of the fauna possess unique masking abilities but stick insects are among the masters of disguise within the animal world. During a field trip in Guangxi, China Mr. Ho Wai-chun George from the Hong Kong Entomological Society discovers a new species from this enigmatic insect group, which he describes in a recent research paper published in the open access journal Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift.

Like the name suggests the new stick insect Sinophasma damingshanensis is distinguished by peculiarly elongated body and green-brownish coloration, which bear an astonishing resemblance to a plant stem. This natural camouflage can make stick insects extremely difficult to spot, and to make it even harder for the observer many also show rocking behavior, where they move from side to side to resemble plant movements in the wind.

The new species was discovered hiding in the thick evergreen forests of Damingshan, located at the south-central Guangxi, China during a collecting trip. To make the work of scientists harder this insects had to be collected at night when it is active. Luckily with the help of a torch used to spot them on the leaves of plants a number of specimens were collected, which later turned out to belong to a new species.

Guangxi is one of the Chinese provinces having high diversity of stick- and leaf insects. Sometimes new species can still be discovered from the undisturbed primitive forests in the province and the newly described Sinophasma damingshanensis is the one of the new taxa from this fascinating group of insects found in China.

“In order to find this new species, I had to use torch to spot it on leaves of trees at night because almost all stick- and leaf insects are nocturnal insects. If you know the insects’ food plant, you can find the corresponding species. Sinophasma damingshanensis favours to eat the leaves of Fagaceae and this is the tactic we used to find it in the wild. Hence, if you are a Phasmatologist you may have to not only study the taxonomy of the stick- and leaf insects, but also the taxonomy of the plants.” comments the author of the study Mr. Ho Wai-chun George.


Original Source:

Wai Chun George H (2014) A new species of Sinophasma Günther, 1940 from Guangxi, China (Phasmida: Diapheromeridae: Necrosciinae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 61(1): 23-25. doi: 10.3897/dez.61.7129

New species from the past

Baltic amber deposits reveal a new species of flat bug from the genus Aradus

A piece of Eocene Baltic Amber of about 45 million years age contains a well preserved extinct flat bug, which turned out to be a new species to science. This exciting discovery is one of the many secrets that deposits of Baltic amber have revealed in the last years and are yet to come in the future. The study describing the new species was published in the open access journal Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift.

The new species Aradus macrosomus is a rather large representative of the genus, differing by its size and particular structures from its congeners. The name of the new species is chosen to reflect its unusual size and derives from the Greek words “macros” – large and “soma” – body.

Baltic Amber, a fossilized tree resin found on or near the shores of the eastern Baltic Sea, represents the largest deposit of amber in the world. It is exceptionally rich in well-preserved inclusions of botanical and zoological objects, particularly arthropods.

To date 14 species of the genus Aradus have been described from Baltic amber inclusions. Extant species of flat bugs commonly live on and under the bark of dead trees, which could be an explanation why so many species are well preserved in amber deposits.


Original Source:

Heiss E (2014) Revision of the flat bug family Aradidae from Baltic Amber IX. Aradus macrosomus sp. n. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 61(1): 27-29. doi: 10.3897/dez.61.7155

Hand by hand tradition and innovation in journal publishing

One of the World’s oldest entomological journals Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift goes advanced open access with Pensoft

One of the oldest entomological journals Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift enters in a new collaboration with Pensoft Publishers to step right into the future with an innovative publishing platform. The first issue for 2014 is now available in a novel open access, semantically enriched format to show how tradition and innovation can work together.

Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift was founded in 1857 as Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift by the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. The journal is recognized as one of the oldest in entomology worldwide, and the oldest one in Germany. It publishes original research papers in English on the systematics, taxonomy, phylogeny, evolution, comparative morphology, and biogeography of insects.

As a member of Pensoft’s family of advanced open access journals, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift now benefits from the innovative semantically enriched open access model, while at the same time keeping the traditional PDF and high quality print versions.

The new open access format means not just that the articles and all associated materials are free to download but even more so that novel approaches are used in the dissemination and reuse of published content.

This is not only of use for the authors who can freely share and promote their articles and hence benefit from increased citation rates and new collaboration opportunities, but for the whole scientific community as the articles become available practically to everyone, independent of an access via a library or a university server. More and more taxonomic works are being published by experts from developing and transitional countries and open access is the only way to provide them with an open and efficient mechanism for exchange and growth of knowledge.

Pensoft also ensures the visibility and longevity of published taxonomic information by distributing it to global portals, such as Encyclopedia of Life, Plazi Treatment Repository, the wiki treatment repository Species-ID, and many others. New taxon names published in the journal are also automatically registered in ZooBank through an innovative workflow pioneered by Pensoft.

“With the beginning of this year the Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, one of the world’s oldest entomology journals, became a front-line fighter of modern scientific publishing. When I was invited to take the editorship for this journal, it was the perspective to lead it onto the modern publishing paths of Pensoft that excited me most. The transfer to the new publisher brings changes about which are all, as I see it, for the benefit of the scientific community.” comments Dominique Zimmerman from the Natural History Museum Vienna, Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

“Innovation is central to how Pensoft sees its role as a publisher. We strongly believe that the attractive combination between historical legacy and tradition and the advanced publishing technologies of Pensoft will take Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift into the future!” said the Managing Director of Pensoft Publishers, Prof. Lyubomir Penev.


Original Source:

Zimmermann D (2014) Jump into the future: Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift goes for advanced open access in its 157 th publishing year. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 61(1): 1-1. doi: 10.3897/dez.61.7967


Additional Information:

Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity is a research museum within the Leibniz Association. It is one of the most significant research institutions worldwide in biological and geo-scientific research on evolution and biodiversity. Established in 1810, its collections comprise more than 30 million items relating to zoology, palaeontology, geology and mineralogy, which are highly significant for science as well as for the history of science and at the centre of the research performed at the Museum.

Pensoft Publishers specialize in academic and professional book and journal publishing, mostly in the field of biodiversity science and natural history. In 2008, Pensoft launched its first open-access journals named ZooKeys and BioRisk, and since then it has taken a leadership in introducing innovations in the field of open access. On 16th of September 2013, Pensoft launched the Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) and the associated Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT), as the first workflow ever to put together article authoring, community peer-review, publishing and dissemination within a single online collaborative platform.


The Hoosier Cavefish, a new and endangered species from the caves of southern Indiana

A new eyeless cavefish is described from Indiana and named after the Indiana Hoosiers. It is the first new cavefish species described from the U.S. in 40 years. Notably, it has an anus right behind its head, and the females brood their young in their gill chamber. The new species was described in the open access journal ZooKeys.

The new species, Amblyopsis hoosieri, is the closest relative of a species (A. spelaea) from the longest cave system in the world, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. These two species are separated by the Ohio River, which also separates the states of Indiana and Kentucky.

The species from south of the Ohio River, A. spelaea, has a knockout mutation in the genetic sequence of rhodopsin, a gene important in vision. The new species, on the other hand, lacks this mutation and maintains a functional rhodopsin gene, despite lacking eyes and vision. The new species shows distinct morphological differences compared to its southern congener. It has a plumper, Bibendum-like body and shorter fins. It also has smaller mechanosensory neuromasts on papillae, which allow them to sense movement in the dark waters of the caves they are found in.

The authors decided to name the new species, A. hoosieri, the Hoosier Cavefish, not only after the Indiana Hoosiers team, but mainly to honor the proximity of the new species to Indiana University and several famed ichthyologists who worked there. “The senior author of the manuscript is a fervent fan of Indiana Hoosier basketball, but the first author is an alumni of the University of Michigan and is not. Also notable is that the middle author of the publication is currently an undergraduate at Louisiana State University.” explain the authors.

Indiana University used to be the Mecca of North American Ichthyology but unfortunately it no longer has an ichthyology department. David Starr Jordan (1851–1931), The Father of North American Ichthyology, spent much of his distinguished career at Indiana University, later going on to be the first Chancellor of Stanford University. It is said that all living North American ichthyologists can trace their lineage of graduate training back to Jordan (e.g., Chakrabarty – Fink – Weitzman – Myers – Jordan).

Carl Eigenmann (1863–1927) was also one of the greatest ichthyologists and studied many blind vertebrates, while at Indiana University. It was very likely that he was actually the first person to have collected what we now recognize as Amblyopsis hoosieri. Notably, Eigenmann’s wife Rosa (1858–1947) is considered by many to be the first female ichthyologist. She and her husband described more than 100 species together.


Original Source:

Chakrabarty P, Prejean JA, Niemiller ML (2014) The Hoosier cavefish, a new and endangered species (Amblyopsidae, Amblyopsis) from the caves of southern Indiana. ZooKeys 412: 41–57. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.412.7245

Scaly gem discovered in South American cloudforests

Field and laboratory work by Omar Torres-Carvajal from Museo de Zoología QCAZ, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, and his former undergraduate student Simón Lobos has resulted in the discovery of a gem-looking new species of shade lizard from the cloudforests in northwestern Ecuador. This region is part of the 274,597 km2 Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena hotspot that lies west of the Andes. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

Shade lizards (genus Alopoglossus) are widely distributed across tropical South America. They differ from most other lizards in having their tongues covered by folds instead of scale-like papillae. Shade lizards are generally brown leaf-litter dwellers that live on both sides of the tropical Andes. The unusually brightly coloured new species described by Torres-Carvajal and Lobos was named Alopoglossus viridiceps and increases to seven the number of species of this group of lizards, six of which live in Ecuador.

Lizards collected as far back as 1977 and deposited in Museo de Zoología QCAZ were examined. The authors were soon surprised with an interesting finding. Some individuals collected during the last five years, mostly at the Santa Lucía Cloud Forest Reserve in northwestern Ecuador, had a metallic greenish head and an orange belly.

Other features like numbers of scales, as well as DNA evidence, indicated that these cloudforest lizards actually belong to a new species. DNA data also suggest that its closest relative is Alopoglossus festae, a species that inhabits the Pacific lowlands of Colombia and Ecuador.

‘Simón Lobos and I have been working on shade lizards since 2010, and we have preliminary data suggesting that the widespread Pacific shade lizard, Alopoglossus festae, might actually represent several species new to science. The same pattern of “hidden diversity” applies to the Amazonian species. Therefore, the diversity of shade lizards has been underestimated. We are presently working on papers to share these discoveries with the scientific community.’ said Dr. Torres-Carvajal.


Additional Information:

This research was funded by Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Ecuador (SENESCYT) and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)


Original source:

Torres-Carvajal O, Lobos SE (2014) A new species of Alopoglossus lizard (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae) from the tropical Andes, with a molecular phylogeny of the genus. ZooKeys 410: 105–120. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.410.7401

Tiny bush tiger from Rwanda: A new species of praying mantis

Scientists describe a new species of praying mantis, Dystacta tigrifrutex, or the bush tiger mantis from Rwanda’s mountainous Nyungwe National Park. Like all praying mantises the new species is a vicious hunter. The wingless females are adapted for catching prey close to the ground and in the undergrowth, which inspired the name of the species due to the similarities in hunting practices with one of the world’s favorite big cats. The study was published in the open access journal ZooKeys.

The new species was discovered on a cool and rainy night in a thick montane forest during a survey of the insects in Nyungwe National Park in southwestern Rwanda. The light traps used by the scientists attracted a male specimen of what then seemed as an unknown species of praying mantis, which unlike the female is winged and flew there attracted to the light.

When the scientists reached to the leaf litter they also found the female of what turned out to be the same new species. But the surprises of this lucky find did not finish there.

Soon after the female was placed in captivity, she laid an egg case, called an ootheca, and the researchers were later able to see the emerging nymphs. This lucky string of events allowed scientists to describe in one go the male, female, nymphal stages and a large portion of the biology of the new species which rarely happens in insect biology.

The three-week Rwanda survey turned up a wealth of finds among which the bush tiger mantis was the only new species, but after 8 months of identifying the collected insects the researchers also found a dozen new to Rwanda.

“We knew this mantis was special after completing nearly eight months of work to identify all the specimens found during the three week expedition,” said Riley, who is studying evolutionary biology at Case Western Reserve University. “The new species is amazing because the fairly small female prowls through the underbrush searching for prey while the male flies and appears to live higher in the vegetation.”

“The new praying mantis species was found in the high altitude rain forest region of southwestern Rwanda and probably only lives within Nyungwe National Park, which adds significant justification for protecting the park to ensure species like this can continue to exist,” said Dr. Gavin Svenson, curator of invertebrate zoology at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History and adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University.

After such a fruitful collaboration the two lead authors Dr. Gavin Svenson, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Riley Tedrow, Case Western Reserve University, and fellow researchers in Rwanda, they plan to return to Nyungwe in June to survey more mantises where they found the bush tiger and to search several other locations in the park. They hope to return with more new species as well as to learn whether the bush tiger’s habitat is limited or more broadly spread.


Original Source:

Tedrow R, Nathan K, Richard N, Svenson GJ (2014) A new species of Dystacta Saussure, 1871 from Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda (Insecta, Mantodea, Dystactinae). ZooKeys 410: 1. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.410.7053