Fungal Fairy Rings: the science behind the magic

Researchers explore the history, ecology, and impacts of these intriguing fungal formations.

A new review article published in the OA journal IMA Fungus sheds light on the phenomenon of fungal fairy rings, mysterious circular patterns of altered vegetation found in grasslands and forests. 

In the review, researchers Maurizio Zotti, Giuliano Bonanomi, and Stefano Mazzoleni from the University of Naples Federico II explore the history, ecology, and impacts of these intriguing fungal formations.

Fungal fairy rings (FFRs), they explain, occur when certain fungi grow radially outward through the soil from a central point, breaking down organic matter and affecting plant growth in distinctive circular patterns. While folklore once attributed these rings to magic, scientists now understand them as a natural process driven by underground fungal activity.

Cross-section of a fungal fairy ring (FFR) transect providing a visual representation of the mycelial mat distribution in the soil, with arrows representing growth direction.

In their paper, the researchers synthesise centuries of research on FFRs, from early observations in the 1800s to modern studies using cutting-edge genomic techniques. “The study of FFRs provides a valuable opportunity to delve deeper into the complex field of soil and fungal ecology, bridging multiple scientific disciplines such as mycology, microbiology, chemistry and botany,” they write.

Describing how different types of FFRs form and expand over time, the authors note that some persist for hundreds of years, reaching massive sizes: “In French grasslands, large FFRs of I. geotropa, with a diameter of 800 m, were estimated to be around 700 years old.”

Fungal fairy rings on grasslands.
FFRs of Agaricus crocodilinus in Monte Pratello subalpine grassland, Rivisondoli, Abruzzo, Italian Apennines. (Photo by Franco Carnevale).

The effects of FFRs vary substantially. Indeed, the study explores the various ways FFRs impact soil properties and plant communities as they spread. In some cases, the fungal activity leads to lush green rings of stimulated plant growth. In others, it causes bands of dead or stunted vegetation. 

FFRs don’t just affect plants; they also influence soil microbes. The review describes how “the development of FFR mycelial mats is associated with a general simplification of the bacterial community” in some cases, while other studies have found increased microbial diversity within fairy rings.

Fungal fairy ring examples.
FFR examples (left) and a comparison of soil densely occupied by mycelial mat vs. unaffected soil (right).

The researcher team emphasises that there is still much to learn about the ecological roles and formation mechanisms of FFRs. Several promising areas should be explored in future research, including investigating the volatile compounds produced by fairy ring fungi and using advanced sequencing methods to unravel how FFRs regulate species coexistence in soil and plant communities.

Concluding the study the authors assert that, while improved knowledge of FFRs may have removed some of their mystical aura, “such removal of thin magic halo has certainly not reduced the wonder for the beauty of nature in its ever surprisingly dynamic pattern and intertwined complex systems.”

Read the full research paper here.  

Original source

Zotti M, Bonanomi G, Mazzoleni S (2025) Fungal fairy rings: history, ecology, dynamics and engineering functions. IMA Fungus 16: e138320.

Follow IMA Fungus on Bluesky and Facebook.

Australian winged wētā population in Auckland increasing, posing a threat to native invertebrates

In a peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Orthoptera Research, the insect has been traced back to its origin in Queensland.

A fearsome-looking insect commonly referred to as “winged wētā” may look like a flying wētā, but it is not a wētā at all. It belongs to the family of the raspy crickets, which is not native to New Zealand. Like all of its family members, it has the ability to secrete silk from its mouth parts, which it uses to build shelters in foliage.

A close-up photo of a brown cricket resting on a green fern leaf.
Adult male winged wētā (Pterapotrechus salomonoides) in its natural habitat. Photo by Danilo Hegg

The “winged wētā” was first detected in Auckland in 1990. Within thirty years, it had expanded its range north to Cable Bay, Northland; east to Coromandel Peninsula, and south to Raglan, Waikato. While sightings in New Zealand became more and more numerous, the insect remained unidentified. New Zealand entomologist Danilo Hegg recently travelled to Queensland, Australia, to trace the “winged wētā” back to its population of origin and put a name to the species. In a peer-reviewed study now published in the Journal of Orthoptera Research, Hegg showed that the insect originates from the montane rainforests south of Brisbane, at the border of Queensland and New South Wales.

A map of Australia and New Zealand highlighting specific locations in Queensland and New South Wales, including Brisbane, Tamborine Mountain, and Auckland.
Collection localities in New Zealand and Australia.

“The insect is heavily built, has relatively short wings, and is a poor flyer,” says Hegg. “While Australian butterflies do occasionally reach our shores carried by westerly winds, the 2,300km journey across the Tasman Sea is almost certainly too much for the winged wētā. It is highly unlikely that it would have reached New Zealand by natural means”. Australian insects carried by the wind may land anywhere between Cape Reinga and Rakiura / Stewart Island. The fact that the “winged wētā” was first detected in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest import hub, only adds weight to the hypothesis of an accidental introduction by anthropogenic means.

Not only has the “winged wētā” been expanding its range in New Zealand; it has also been building up numbers. Its population density has at least quintupled in Auckland during the past twelve years. And like many other invasive species, it appears to be found in higher numbers in its new territory than in its country of origin. “In Queensland, I could spend a night out and find one or two individuals at most. In Auckland, I was able to capture seven specimens in a two-hour walk” says Hegg.

A photo of two crickets nestled together inside curled green leaves.
Nymphs of winged wētā (Pterapotrechus salomonoides) in rolled leaves held together by silk strands

The “winged wētā” is an omnivore and an agile hunter. Strictly nocturnal, it prowls in the foliage in trees and pounces on any invertebrate that is small enough for it to tackle. Observations conducted in captivity and in the wild have shown that the “winged wētā” preys on just about anything that moves at night. Including juvenile Auckland tree wētā, one of New Zealand’s largest insects.

A close-up photo of a brown cricket resting on a green leaf and holding insect wings in its mandibles.
A winged wētā (Pterapotrechus salomonoides) Nymph with winged termite (Schedorhinotermes sp.) prey.

Given its high population density and its predatory habits, there are concerns the invasive insect could have an impact on New Zealand’s native invertebrate wildlife. “There is still a lot we don’t know” says Hegg “we need to study its diet in the wild, and we need to understand whether the winged wētā is also taking hold in intact native forest habitats, or only in urbanised areas, where the majority of the sightings are. But it poses a threat that needs to be taken seriously”.

New Zealand’s invertebrates are already being decimanted by introduced rodents, mustelids, hedgehogs, cats and wasps. The Australian winged wētā is only going to add to their woes.

Research article:

Hegg D (2025) An Australian raspy cricket established in New Zealand, Pterapotrechus salomonoides (Orthoptera, Gryllacrididae), with notes on ecology and first description of the male. Journal of Orthoptera Research 34(1): 77-94.

Meet the Libroscope: a new vision for ‘liberating’ data from biodiversity publications

Pensoft is among the first signatories dedicated to fully leveraging biodiversity knowledge from research publications within an open science framework by 2035

Some of the world’s leading institutions, experts and scientific infrastructures relating to biodiversity information are uniting around a new 10-year roadmap to ‘liberate’ data presently trapped in research publications.

The initiative aims to enable the creation of a ‘Libroscope’ – a mechanism for unlocking and linking data from scientific literature to support understanding of biodiversity, as the microscope and telescope previously revolutionized science. The plan largely builds on existing technology and workflows, and does not rely on construction of a new technical infrastructure.

The proposals result from a symposium involving 51 experts from 10 countries held in August 2024 at the 7th-century monastery at Disentis in the Swiss Alps, supported financially by the Arcadia Fund. The symposium was a 10-year follow-up to the 2014 meeting at Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium, which led to the Bouchout Declaration on open biodiversity knowledge management. The Disentis meeting evaluated progress since then, and identified priorities for the decade ahead.

Group photo from the Disentis meeting (Switzerland, August 2024).

While acknowledging major advances in the sharing and use of open biodiversity data, the participants noted that accessing data within research publications is often very cumbersome, with databases disconnected from each other and from the source literature. Liberating and linking data from such publications – estimated to encompass more than 500 million total pages – would represent a compelling mission for the next decade.

Achieving this mission will support further research, and understanding of biodiversity vital to meeting global goals and targets such as the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), as well as assisting the compiling of knowledge assessments such as those carried out by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

A roadmap for staged action over the next decade was agreed by the symposium participants, with the following vision: “By 2035, the power of biodiversity knowledge from research publications will be fully leveraged within an open science framework, including unencumbered data discovery, access, and re-use across scientific disciplines and policy applications.

The ‘Disentis Roadmap’, further developed following the symposium, and now released publicly, has already been signed by 26 institutions and a further 46 individual experts on five continents – among them major natural history collections such as Meise Botanic Garden, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; infrastructures such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), Catalogue of Life, LifeWatch ERIC and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB); journal publishers such as Pensoft Publishers and the European Journal of Taxonomy; research institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research; and networks such as TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards and Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). See the full list of signatories here.

The roadmap remains open for further signatures, ahead of the launch of an action plan at the Living Data conference in Bogotá, Colombia in October 2025. The original signatories hope that a much broader group of institutions and individuals, across global regions and disciplines, will join the initiative and help to shape implementation of its vision. Engagement of funders will also be critical to realize its objectives.

The specific goals of the roadmap are that by 2035:

  • All major public biodiversity research funders and academic publishers will encourage and enable publication of data adhering to the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable);
  • Biodiversity-focussed publications will be accessible in machine-actionable formats, with all non-copyrightable parts of articles flowing into public data repositories;
  • Published research on biodiversity will be ‘fully AI-ready’, that is openly available for AI training and properly labelled for ingestion by machine-learning modelled, within appropriate ethical and legal frameworks;
  • Dedicated funding from research and infrastructure grants will be reserved for ensuring access to biodiversity data and knowledge.

“We finally have a chance to make a quantum leap in understanding and monitoring biodiversity, by leveraging the power of digital technologies, and combining modern genomic methods with the vast amount of research data published daily and currently stuck in the publication prison. The ‘Libroscope’ will help to explore the universe of existing knowledge, accumulated over hundreds of years, and bring it to the forefront of developments in the digital age, helping nature and people across the globe.”

commented Donat Agosti of the Swiss organization Plazi, who convened the Disentis symposium.

A recent demonstration of the principles of the ‘Libroscope’ was the launch of data portals for the European Journal of Taxonomy (EJT) and the Biodiversity Data Journal, as part of the GBIF hosted portal programme. The new portals showcase the data contained within taxonomic literature published by the journals, making use of the workflow originally developed by Plazi and partners to extract re-usable data from articles traditionally locked in static PDF files. Once created, these data objects then flow into platforms such as GBIF, Catalogue of Life, ChecklistBank and the BiodiversityPMC, and are stored in the Biodiversity Literature Repository at Zenodo hosted by CERN. This process enables data on new species and the location of related specimens cited in the literature to be openly accessible in near-real time, and available for long-term access.

The newly launched Biodiversity Data Journal data portal is part of the GBIF-hosted portal programme. It showcase the data contained within taxonomic literature published by the journal.

“As a publisher of dozens of renowned academic journals in the field of biodiversity and systematics with experience in technology development, at Pensoft, we have always recognised the key role of academic publishers in scholarly communication. It’s not only about publishing the latest research. Above all, it’s about putting scientific work in the hands of those who need it: be it future researchers, policy-makers or their AI-powered assistants. Now that the Disentis roadmap is already a fact, we hope that many others will also join us on this ambitious journey to open up the knowledge we have today for those who will need it tomorrow.”

said Prof. Dr. Lyubomir Penev, founder and CEO at Pensoft, who attended the Disentis symposium.

“By repositioning scientific publications as an essential part of the research cycle, the Disentis Roadmap encourages publishers and the scientific community to move beyond open access towards FAIR access. Proactively ensuring data quality and dissemination is the core mission of the European Journal of Taxonomy. In this way, EJT enhances the immediate discoverability and usability of the taxonomic information it publishes, making it more valuable to the scientific community as a whole. Adherence to the Disentis vision marks a crucial step in the liberation and enrichment of knowledge about biodiversity.”

said Laurence Bénichou, founder and liaison officer of the European Journal of Taxonomy.

The Chief Executive Officer of Meise Botanic Garden, Steven Dessein, who attended the Disentis Symposium, commented:

“Meise Botanic Garden fully supports the Disentis Roadmap, which builds on the foundation laid by the Bouchout Declaration. Open biodiversity data is essential to tackling today’s pressing environmental challenges, from biodiversity loss to climate change. By ensuring research publications become more accessible and interconnected, this roadmap represents a critical step toward harnessing biodiversity knowledge for science, policy, and conservation.”

Christophe Déssimoz, Executive Director of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, another signatory of the Disentis Roadmap, added:

“We have long championed the principles of open, structured, and interoperable data to advance life sciences. The Disentis Roadmap applies these same principles to biodiversity knowledge, ensuring that critical data is not just available, but truly actionable for research, policy, and conservation.”

The director of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum of Berlin, Thomas Borsch, noted that more than any other branch of science, taxonomic research depended on the machine-actionable availability of biodiversity data from the literature:

“The ‘Libroscope’ postulated in the Disentis Roadmap will enable a new generation of research workflows through its interoperable approach,” said Professor Borsch. “This will be very helpful to address pressing issues in biodiversity research and in particular to improve the use of quality information on organisms in national and global assessments.”

The chief scientist of the national museum of natural history in Paris (MNHN) said:

“We, like all similar museums and taxonomic institutions, are focussed on linking taxonomic and collection data with digital reproductions and molecular information to create the ‘extended digital specimen.’ However, the potential of taxonomic publications and text mining should not be underestimated either. On the contrary, it is a smart and accessible way to dig into scientific publications so as to retrieve, link and consolidate, research data of great relevance to many disciplines. This is why our institution fully supports the Disentis initiative.”

Christos Arvanitidis, CEO of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem e-Science Infrastructure LifeWatch ERIC, commented:

“LifeWatch ERIC is proud to be part of this initiative, as providing access and support to biodiversity and ecosystem data is fully aligned with our mission. The Disentis Roadmap opens up new opportunities for our research infrastructure to help make what science has provided us accessible and usable, and to improve the FAIRness of data for research and science-based policy.”

Tim Robertson, deputy director and head of informatics at the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), who also attended the Disentis meeting added:

“We’re excited to see the results from Disentis partners like Plazi, BHL, Pensoft and the European Journal of Taxonomy who are focussed on liberating data connected with scientific publications,” said . “GBIF will continue to do our part to improve the standards, tools and services that help expand both the benefits and the impact of FAIR and open data on biodiversity science and policy.”

Olaf Bánki, Executive Director of the Catalogue of Life, commented:

“We call out to the scientific community, especially the younger generation, to join our effort in unlocking biodiversity data from literature. Actionable biodiversity and taxonomic data from digitized literature contributes to creating an index of all described organisms of all life on earth. We need such data to tackle and understand the current biodiversity crisis.”

Follow the Disentis Roadmap on Bluesky, Mastodon, and LinkedIn.

Values and dependence of society on pollinators: Pensoft joins the EU project VALOR

VALOR is to prompt better understanding of our relationship with pollinators. Pensoft will lead activities related to co-developing tools for expanding engagement and interaction, and support communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities.

Animal pollinators have become a flagship for biodiversity conservation, largely due to their globally recognised role in supporting broader biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human well-being.

Despite this recognition and the widely acknowledged benefits of pollination, many of the pressures on pollinators persist. As a result, there is growing evidence of localised yet significant deficits in pollination services, affecting both crop pollination and other communities.

Coordinated by Dr Tom Breeze (University of Reading) and funded by Horizon Europe, VALOR is a multi-actor project that will develop a comprehensive, systems-based approach to gaining a deeper understanding of the cascading impacts of pollinator shifts from flower to fork and beyond.

The project will examine the effects of pollinator shifts on ecosystems, farm businesses, and local communities through primary research and modelling.

VALOR’s coordinator Dr Tom Breeze (UREAD) gave an introductory presentation during the project’s kick-off meeting in February (Reading, United Kingdom). 

The project aims to empower actors to develop a deeper comprehension of relationships with pollinators and will produce a range of co-developed tools for landowners, businesses, and policymakers.

These tools will facilitate a better understanding of pollination-related risks and enable users to conduct their own studies by replicating the project’s methods and applying its models. To ensure comprehensive data collection without compromising scale, VALOR will adopt a systems-based approach, employing a series of in-depth case studies in focal regions to assess the importance of pollinators.

VALOR launched in January 2025 and will be running until the end of 2028.

To achieve its goals the VALOR project has six objectives: 

  1. Co-develop a better understanding of stakeholder knowledge needs around pollinators.
  2. Better understand the dependence of society and the economy on pollinators.
  3. Measure and model the cascading impacts of plant-pollinator networks on ecosystems and human well-being.
  4. Explore the consequences of pollinator loss through value chains.
  5. Forecast the resilience of pollinator networks and human benefits under future conditions.
  6. Co-develop tools to engage and empower actors about pollinator conservation.

Pensoft’s role

Building on its experience in communication, dissemination, and exploitation of results, Pensoft will focus on maximising the project’s impact and long-term legacy. This involves a broad scope of activities, including the development of the project’s visual identity and online presence, as well as the translation of research findings into policy recommendations.

As a leader of the work on co-developed tools for expanded engagement and interaction, Pensoft will support the development of a spatially explicit tool to allow users to explore the fine-scale changes in pollinator abundance and diversity, as well as pollination services resulting from a change in landscape management.

Moreover, Pensoft will assist the VALOR project in contributing to the Safeguard Knowledge Exchange Hub (Safe-Hub).

Pensoft will also facilitate collaboration opportunities with other projects, leveraging its expertise in numerous EU-funded projects. These efforts will be directed towards VALOR’s sister project: BUTTERFLY (101181930).

International consortium

The VALOR consortium comprises partners from thirteen European institutions, along with three associated partners, including China and Australia.

The consortium spans a wide and diverse range of scientific disciplines, from pollinator ecology, sociology, and economics to stakeholder engagement and communications. 

  1. University Of Reading (UREAD)
  2. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
  3. Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (ALU-FR
  4. Jagiellonian University (UJ
  5. The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
  6. Wageningen University (WU)
  7. Lund University (ULUND)
  8. University of La Laguna (ULL)
  9. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
  10. The University of Helsinki (UH)
  11. Pensoft Publishers (PENSOFT
  12. World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
  13. European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)
  14. University of New England (UNE)
  15. China West Normal University (CWNU)
  16. Beijing Forestry University (BJFU)

The VALOR project website is coming soon!

In the meantime, follow the project’s progress via its social media channels on BlueSky and LinkedIn.

Unseen ecosystems, unheard stories: How art can amplify subterranean science

Bridging art and science can have profound, lasting impacts on scientific communication and conservation efforts.

Guest blog post by Veronica Nanni, Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte, and Stefano Mammola

In an era where information is more accessible than ever, one might assume that communicating science has never been easier. However, science communicators often find themselves in a constant battle against public skepticism and media sensationalism. Scientific research is, by nature, intricate and nuanced, making it inherently challenging to communicate effectively. Academic papers are often laden with equations, technical jargon, and acronyms that, while ensuring precision and accuracy, may alienate even the most intrepid readers. The challenge, then, lies in translating complex findings into digestible and engaging narratives without oversimplifying or distorting the truth. Striking this balance is crucial, as misrepresentation can lead to misunderstanding, erode public trust, or even fuel misinformation.

As scientists working with subterranean biodiversity, we face an additional layer of challenges in science communication. Unlike more familiar ecosystems, such as forests or oceans, caves and other subterranean environments are foreign and unseen to most audiences. These hidden worlds are often perceived as mysterious, inhospitable, or even irrelevant to everyday life. This lack of direct experience or knowledge creates a significant barrier to interest and engagement. For instance, the delicate balance of subterranean ecosystems and their hidden interconnection with surface ecosystems is not only difficult to visualize but also challenging to relate to broader environmental issues that resonate with the public, such as climate change or biodiversity loss.

A speckled gecko with a light brown body climbs on a rocky surface.
Werner’s leaf-toed gecko (Asaccus elisae), picture from

Furthermore, subterranean organisms, such as blind fish, pale invertebrates, and microbial communities, often lack the visual appeal of iconic surface species (e.g., lions, dolphins, polar bears), making it difficult to generate interest or concern. Such scarce interest often means that subterranean ecosystems are scarcely represented in global biodiversity agendas, leaving most of them unprotected or poorly regulated.

This communication challenge and policy gap became even more apparent at the start of the Biodiversa+ project DarCo, a transnational project involving 13 research institutes across Europe. The project aims to advance knowledge about subterranean biodiversity in Europe and advance its conservation. DarCo’s overarching goal is to develop a concrete plan to incorporate subterranean ecosystems into the European Union (EU) Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

For the successful implementation of the project, there is a need to engage with diverse audiences, from the general public to stakeholders who rely on subterranean resources in various ways—e.g., speleological groups, water managers, national park authorities, and even politicians involved in EU-level legislation on nature conservation. This is where the challenge of communicating the importance of subterranean biodiversity to the health of ecological systems and the well-being of society became quite apparent. We realized that tapping into non-scientific forms of communication might offer a promising way forward.

Illustration of a cave ecosystem featuring spiders, a centipede, bats, and a guano pile, highlighting food sources and detritus flow.
Figure 1. Life in the darkness of caves through an illustration targeting kids. Modified from (original illustration by Irene Frigo).

We began collaborating with various artists and scientific illustrators to aid in our communication efforts. Whether illustrating cave life and its conservation for children (Figure 1) or involving illustrators to create compelling visuals for our scientific publications (Figure 2), the science-art collaboration proved particularly effective. We even invited a scientific illustrator, Dr. Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte, to the 26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology (Cagliari, Italy, 9–14 September 2024), where the DarCo team organized a workshop on subterranean conservation open to both scientists and stakeholders. Jagoba’s role was to create an artistic representation of the workshop flow (Figure 3) and illustrate key aspects of selected scientific talks.

An illustrated scene of a sunset over mountains, as seen from the inside of a cave, showcasing diverse life forms such as insects, worms, and bats.
Figure 2. Scientific illustration for a scientific publication on climate change’s impact on subterranean ecosystems. Modified from (original illustration by Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte).

Stemming from these fruitful collaborations, we decided to write a scientific paper on the role art can play in the conservation of subterranean ecosystems, highlighting the benefits for subterranean scientists engaging with artists and vice versa. Although there is no quantitative proof yet that art directly promotes subterranean conservation, our experience as scientists who frequently collaborate with artists—and artists who often collaborate with scientists—suggests that bridging these worlds can have profound, lasting impacts on scientific communication and conservation efforts. By engaging with artists, subterranean scientists can create more impactful visuals for research papers and presentations, enhance public engagement through powerful storytelling, and spark fresh insights that may drive new research directions.

To maximize these benefits, scientists should foster collaborations by inviting artists to conferences and workshops, involving them in cave expeditions, and even dedicating small portions of research budgets to artistic initiatives. On the other hand, artists can undertake projects focused on conservation and related scientific fields, using their own platforms and tapping into funding sources beyond traditional scientific grants.

Illustration summarizing the DarCo Project Workshop themes: data, questions, impact, and dissemination for subterranean ecosystem conservation.
Figure 3. Infographic created through the graphic facilitation of DarCo’s workshop held during the 26th International Conference on Subterranean Biology (Cagliari, Italy, 9–14 September 2024). Original illustration by Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte.

Art has long been a bridge between knowledge and emotion, making complex ideas accessible through storytelling, visuals, and performance. Scientific illustrations, data visualizations, and interactive exhibits can transform abstract information into tangible experiences. Moreover, films, theater, and literature can create emotional connections with audiences, helping them grasp the real-world implications of scientific discoveries.

By integrating art with science communication, we can reach people who might otherwise feel disconnected from scientific discourse. Art and science are not opposing forces but complementary ones, enriching each other in profound ways. As we face global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and public health crises, integrating artistic expression with scientific inquiry can foster deeper understanding, empathy, and action, spreading knowledge and awareness of these threats in society.

Research article:

Mammola S, Malumbres-Olarte J, Vaccarelli I, Nanni V, Bellvert A, Jarić I (2025) On art, science, and the conservation of subterranean ecosystems. Subterranean Biology 51: 1-19.

Promoting sustainable agriculture for pollinators: Pensoft joins the EU project AGRI4POL

The new Horizon project is to assist the transition of agriculture to a positive force for biodiversity, crop pollination services, ecosystems and people. Pensoft will lead the communication, dissemination, exploitation and synergies with other projects.

Threats to pollinators and pollination services that support agriculture and provide benefits to people are a worldwide problem, recognized by intergovernmental scientific assessments, national or transnational initiatives as well as policies.

Intensive agriculture is among the principal threats to pollinator biodiversity and the crop pollination services that pollinators provide. Moreover, typically crop breeding has tended to overlook the benefits of pollination for sustained crop yields in favour of other crop traits.

Coordinated by Dr. Adam Vanbergen (INRAE) and funded by Horizon Europe, the AGRI4POL project takes an ambitious and achievable interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to achieve a transition towards sustainable pollinator-friendly farming.

AGRI4POL kick-off meeting (February 2025, Brussels, Belgium).

The project aims to deliver an integrated state-of-the-art analysis of the crop – farming system – pollinator interplay across levels of biological organisation from the crop gene to the agroecosystem. 

AGRI4POL launched in January 2025 and will be running until the end of 2028.

To achieve its goals, AGRI4POL project has outlined six objectives:

  1. Establish and work with a multi-actor community to drive the transition towards more pollinator friendly farming systems and value chains.
  2. Evaluate genetic diversity of crop floral traits governing pollinator interactions to stimulate breeding of pollinator-smart varieties.
  3. Find out how pollinator-crop relationships are modified by intra- and interspecific crop diversification in space and time.
  4. Optimise ecological infrastructures (EI = landscape features, non-crop habitats) for crop pollination, pollinator biodiversity and multiple ecosystem benefits.
  5. Assess the social, economic and environmental opportunities and obstacles presented by pollinator friendly farming options to understand their feasibility and acceptability. 
  6. Evaluate the influence of the policy landscape and the practitioner awareness of the benefits and challenges of pollinator-friendly farming at [sub]national, European and international scales.
AGRI4POL’s coordinator Dr. Adam Vanbergen (INRAE) gave an introductory presentation during the project kick-off meeting in Brussels (February 2025, Belgium).

Pensoft’s role

Building on its experience in communication, dissemination, and exploitation of results, Pensoft will focus on maximizing the project’s impact and long-term legacy. This encompasses a wide array of activities, ranging all the way from building a project’s visual identity and online presence and creating a podcast to translating results into policy recommendations. Moreover, Pensoft will be facilitating collaboration opportunities with other projects, leveraging on its involvement in numerous EU-funded projects. As of now, Pensoft takes part in six EU Pollinator projects, which serves well to facilitate synergies.

International consortium

The AGRI4POL consortium comprises partners from fourteen European institutions along with five associated partners, including China. Consortium covers a wide diverse range of scientific disciplines spanning from pollinator ecology and agriculture to stakeholder engagement and communications. 

  1. INREA (France)
  2. INRAE Transfert (France) 
  3. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Germany)
  4. The University of Reading (United Kingdom)
  5. Wageningen University and Research (Netherlands)
  6. Lund University (Sweden)
  7. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (Spain)
  8. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany)
  9. Pensoft Publishers (Bulgaria)
  10. Global Change Research Institute – Ustav Vyzkumu Globalni Zmeny Av Cr Vvi (CzechGlobe) (Czech Republic)
  11. Université de Mons (Belgium)
  12. University of Ljubljana – Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia)
  13. Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)
  14. WCMC LBG – UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (global)
  15. Associació Paisatages Vius – Living Landscapes (global)
  16. Maisadour Semences Romania SRL – MAS Seeds (Romania)
  17. Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori (Italy)
  18. Eidgenoessisches Departement fuer Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung (WBF-Agroscope) (Italy)
  19. Swiss Association for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas (Switzerland)
  20. Institute of Apicultural Research – Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
  21. China West Normal University 
  22. Gansu Agriculture University

The AGRI4POL project website is coming soon!

In the meantime, follow the project’s progress via its social media channels on BlueSky and LinkedIn.

New blazing star discovery highlights the power of citizen science

The rare plant was identified thanks to photographs uploaded to iNaturalist.

Discovered in the Andean cloud forests of northern Peru, a new species in the blazing star family (Loasaceae) has reinforced the vital role of citizen science in plant research. 

Nasa katjae. Credit: Joshua P. Allen

An international research team collected, identified and documented the rare plant after seeing photographs uploaded by Peruvian naturalist, Carlos Pérez Peña, on the citizen science platform iNaturalist. Assigning the species the name Nasa katjae, they published the discovery in the open-access journal PhytoKeys.

Nasa katjae has striking scarlet-red flowers adapted for hummingbird pollination and is endemic to a single forest near Colasay in the Cajamarca region of Peru, not far from a populated area. Due to its extremely narrow range, it is likely particularly vulnerable to the threat of habitat loss.

The discovery highlights the importance of protecting the remaining pristine habitats in the Amotape-Huancabamba Zone, a biodiversity hotspot home to many rare and isolated species. The team behind the study emphasise that, without immediate conservation efforts, these ecologically fragile regions could be lost to agricultural expansion and climate change before they are fully understood.

Nasa katjae habitat. Credit: Joshua P. Allen

Lead author Dr Tilo Henning of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research remarked on the significance of the find: “If we have overlooked this striking plant, think about what we have missed in more unobtrusive organismal groups such as mosses, fungi and insects.”

“Discovering such a conspicuous flowering plant in a forest directly adjacent to a larger human settlement signifies that we have not even begun to fully map the biodiversity of some regions. We urgently need more taxonomists and funding to meaningfully tackle this.”

While some areas in northern Peru have recently received formal protection, the forest fragment in which Nasa katjae is found remains unprotected. The authors of the study urge decision makers to take action to safeguard these habitats before it is too late.

The discovery of Nasa katjae displays the power of digital tools and citizen science in biodiversity research. Platforms like iNaturalist prove invaluable in detecting and documenting rare species, complementing traditional fieldwork and accelerating new discoveries.

Original source

Henning T, Allen JP, Montesinos-Tubée D, Rodríguez-Rodríguez EF, Peña JLM, Acuña-Castillo R (2025) No end to endemism – contributions to the difficult Nasa Weigend Series Alatae (Loasaceae). A new species from Peru and the rehabilitation of “ Loasa” calycina Benth. PhytoKeys 252: 163-186.

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The woolly devil: a landmark U.S. plant discovery

Belonging to the sunflower family, the tiny plant was found in Big Bend National Park, Texas.

Based on this press release by the California Academy of Sciences.

Researchers have discovered the first new genus and species of plant in a U.S. national park for nearly 50 years.

Described in the OA journal PhytoKeys, the new-to-science woolly devil (Ovicula biradiata) is a member of the sunflower family, despite looking quite different to its sunburst-shaped relatives.

Small wooly plants between rocks.
The small, fuzzy flower grows in the harsh, rocky soils of the Chihuahuan Desert and only appears after rainfall. (Photo courtesy of Big Bend National Park)

Scientists from the California Academy of Sciences, Big Bend National Park, Sul Ross State University, and Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIDIIR) made the discovery in Big Bend National Park, Texas.

The national park is located within the Chihuahuan Desert, the largest and most biologically diverse warm desert in North America, and is a highly studied floristic region.

“While many assume that the plants and animals within our country’s national parks have probably been documented by now, scientists still make surprising new discoveries in these iconic protected landscapes,” says corresponding author and Academy researcher Isaac Lichter Marck, PhD. 

Desert landscape.
From an elevation of less than 1,800 feet along the Rio Grande to nearly 8,000 feet in Chisos Mountains, Big Bend includes massive canyons, vast desert expanses, forest mountains, and an ever-changing river. (Photo courtesy of Big Bend National Park)

Park volunteer Deb Manley was first to observe the plant in March of 2024 by who uploaded the unknown species to the community science app iNaturalist, where an international community of botanists assembled to identify the mysterious flower. 

Known to botanists as a “belly plant,” or a small, discreet plant that can only be properly observed by lying on the ground, this distinctive wild flower with furry white foliage and maroon ray florets is an ephemeral species that only blooms after rain. It thrives in harsh rocky habitats with scant rainfall and grows alongside a variety of drought-tolerant shrubs, such as ocotillo, hedgehog cactus, and creosote.

Researchers have only observed the plant in three narrow locations across the northernmost corner of the park, and it is possible that populations of the species are already diminishing.

“Plants that thrive in deserts are often quite unique, having evolved specific mechanisms to withstand the extreme drought-and-deluge conditions of these arid landscapes—from water-storing structures to rapid life cycles triggered by rain,” says Lichter Marck. 

“But as climate change pushes deserts to become hotter and drier, highly specialized plants like the woolly devil face extinction.”

The plant’s woolly appearance and striking red petals inspired the name Ovicula biradiata. Ovicula, meaning “tiny sheep,” refers to the thick, white hairs that cover the plant’s leaves and honors a more iconic endangered species in Big Bend: the bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Biradiata, or “bi-radial,” refers to the two ray florets in each of the plant’s flowers. Researchers working with the plant affectionately dubbed the fuzzy flower the “woolly devil,” which has become its suggested common name.

A researchers photographing a tiny plant using a phone.
Park botanist Carolyn Whiting observes the unknown species in March 2024. (Photo courtesy of Big Bend National Park)

“Now that the species has been identified and named, there is a tremendous amount we have yet to learn about it,” says Big Bend National Park botanist Carolyn Whiting.

“I’m excited to discover whether there are other populations in the park, the details of its life cycle, what pollinates it, and whether we’ll observe it this spring, given the current drought.”

Researchers are now investigating the woolly devil’s potential medicinal properties.

“Under the microscope, we noticed specific glands that are known to possess compounds with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties in other plants within the sunflower family,” says Academy co-author Keily Peralta.

“While further research is needed to determine these properties, this discovery underscores the potential knowledge we stand to gain from preserving plant diversity in fragile desert ecosystems.”

Original source

Manley DL, Lichter Marck IH, Peralta K, Castro Castro A, Wogan KA, Whiting CV, Powell AM (2025) Ovicula biradiata, a new genus of Compositae from Big Bend National Park in Trans-Pecos Texas. PhytoKeys 252: 141-162.

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IMA Fungus publishes its first issue with Pensoft

The first ten manuscripts of IMA Fungus—the flagship journal of the International Mycological Association—have now been published on the journal’s new website following its transition to Pensoft’s ARPHA platform.

Regarding recent changes to the journal, Editor-in-Chief Marc Stadler said: “The journal has a new editorial board, including many experienced as well as young, excellent scientists from around the world. Together, they cover a broad spectrum of mycological subdisciplines. They have already helped with processing of the new manuscripts, part of which were transferred from the previous publisher. 

“We hope that the revenue that the IMA gains from the APC can substantially contribute to a sustainable income of the association. This will hopefully allow us to support mycologists in low-to middle income countries, initiatives to implement fungal conservation and other important tasks that need to be tackled by the mycological community in the future.”

See the full list of newly published articles below:  

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Biodiversity restated: > 99.9% of global species in Soil Biota

Soil’s vast biodiversity is under severe threat from topsoil erosion and poisoning, potentially leading to widespread extinctions.

More than 99.9% of global species diversity is found within soils, according to a new review paper published in ZooKeys.

Comparing different studies on soil biota, author Robert J. Blakemore challenges previous estimates, which suggested a much lower proportion of life in soils. “Most life is found in Soil and most is microbial, affected by the current mass extinction event having profound effects influencing all evolution on Earth,” he says.

From the review paper: “Micro monde” progressions with microbial proportions greatly increased from Blakemore after Larsen et al.

“Soil filters and stores freshwater stocks (being subject to Earth tides!) and, as well as ~ 99% of human food, it provides most building materials plus many of our essential medicines/antibiotics. Thus, an important metric must be the scope and snapshot status of living or dormant Soil biota.”

One of the most recent estimates suggests that the soil realm is home to approximately 2.1 x 1024 taxa, which is thought to be more than 99.9% of global species biodiversity, mainly comprised of bacteria and other microbes.

The more you look, the more you find (lhs, pin-head after SCIENCE 2002; rhs, Bacteria on a pin tip courtesy Dr Kateryna Kon of Kharkiv National Medical University).

“Soil also supplies >99.7% of calorific food (just 0.3% from ocean plus 0.3% from aquaculture mostly fed with farmed stockfeed); with just about 6% total global protein from all fish; soil filters and stores most freshwater and is thus responsible for hydrological-recycle rainfall on land,” Blakemore says.

“My other paper last year on Biomass shows Soil houses >99% of organic carbon and it is the loss of this vital resources that is the greatest contributor to atmospheric carbon increase, despite the ‘greening’ effect on land.”

Blakemore, R. J. (2024). Biomass Refined: 99% of Organic Carbon in Soils. Biomass, 4(4), 1257-1300.

However, this immense biodiversity is under threat. “Soil erosion is one of our greatest global issues of concern, and one of the most ignored. Droughts, floods, deserts, poisoning, capping and so on are affecting all soils and, due to this massive soil loss, plants are incapable of thriving. At the same time deforestation continues, mainly clearing for cattle pastures or soy fields to feed CAFO cows (or other stock),” the author says.

The loss of soil biodiversity has far-reaching consequences, leading to ecosystem degradation, reduced food production, and loss of potentially valuable resources, such as sources of medicines and antibiotics. Furthermore, soil loss inevitably results in silent species loss, mostly of microbes that are most dominant in soils, but also of more obvious soil macrobes, and specifically of earthworms, which are vital for soil health.

Around 7,000 ‘true’ earthworm species have been described, but estimates suggest the total number of earthworm species may be closer to 30,000-35,000 globally. “Due to their high endemicity and Soil’s heterogeneity, their unknowns are legion,” the author notes in his paper.

From the review paper: Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas (GBIF 2016) reporting ~ 667,000 soil biota or just about one third of known 2 million). Note that earthworms have 7,000 known and > 30,000 estimated species. Bacteria had 15,000 known species but estimated over one million (< 1.5% described). However, when microbes (excluding viruses) are properly considered and counted, as herein, soil unknowns are much higher (likely just < 0.0001% known at best). Vascular plants add ~ 400,000 species (cf. Anthony et al. 2023 with 466,000 angiosperm “Plantae”).

Earthworms enhance microbial activity, improve soil structure, and promote plant growth, which is why Blakemore suggests that “a simple solution to soil degradation is to attempt, in any way and at all times, to preserve and enhance earthworm populations.”

“Healthy soils are carbon-rich, hugely biodiverse and are a massive sponge for water – neither flooding nor drying during climatic extremes,” the author says, a reminder that healthy soils are not only vital for maintaining biodiversity, but also indispensable in supporting essential functions of planet and human survival.

“Due to the most pressing problem of topsoil erosion and irreversible extinction losses, a major shift should be realizing the overwhelming importance and fragility of our precious Soil,” Robert Blakemore writes in his paper.

Calling for a change in attitudes and funding to recognise the true scope of soil biodiversity, he encourages the formation of a dedicated Soil Ecology Institute that would catalogue, research and reverse the mass degradation of our planet’s most crucial, yet most neglected ecosystem – that of the Soil Realm.


Blakemore RJ (2025) Biodiversity restated: > 99.9% of global species in Soil Biota. ZooKeys 1224: 283-316.

Blakemore, R. J. (2024). Biomass Refined: 99% of Organic Carbon in Soils. Biomass, 4(4), 1257-1300.

Blog post on the topic by Robert J. Blakemore: